About us
The partnership has been chosen very carefully with detailed examination of the operational capacities of each partner. Partners have been selected also from geographical point of view. Partnership of SITRA project covers all Europe with taking into consideration also candidate countries. As an additional criterium consortium was composed of the partners who cooperated each other before and are checked from a trust point of view. All above criteriums are very important and will ensure that the consortium will work smoothly and project will achieve highest possible quality.
ADRIBS – leader from France is experienced NGO having high experience in national and international projects. ADRIBS has cooperated in the past with ADRIBS from Turkey. SEDA is a new organisation which was not involved in the Erasmus+ project however their staff was involved in other national and international projects especially dealing with soft skills and
entrepreneurship. I&F from Ireland is experienced organisation working in several projects in the frame of Erasmus+ and other projects especially connected to sport. Face from North Macedonia is also experienced in projects related to adult education and VET. The consortium is consisting of experienced in projects Erasmus+ partners (I&F, FACE, INDEPCIE) as well as not experienced in that area organisations like ADRIBS and SEDA. Never the less all member staff of partners took part in various projects and being involved in many different activities connected to EU projects (e.g. H2020)